Raven International Investigations
Florida License #A9200388

Vehicle Information

All Registered Vehicles
This includes cars, trucks, boats, documented vessels and aircraft. Information obtained by owner name or by owner address.

License Tag, Title & VINS
This includes search by partial license tag number.

Owner Information
Owner identity: Driver license and Social Security number, Date of Birth; Company and Corporate ownership.

Radius and Parameter Searches
For example, "Find all 1985 Ford Broncos in a 5 mile radius of an address owned by a male between the age of 35 and 40 who is between 5'10" and 6'1" tall."

Documented Vessels
Our national database of documented vessels can be searched by the vessel name and the port of registry or by the vessel name only. It can also be searched by the owner's name, address or company name. Our database will provide the name of the vessel, port of registry, owner's name and address, the type(s) of tread license(s), and other information.

Our national database can be searched by the N-Number (tail number), registered owner, or the aircraft serial number. The record will indicate the registration information including the owner, address of registration air worthiness classification, and certificate date. Also displayed is information about the aircraft, which includes the year, make and model of the aircraft, and the number, make and model of the engine(s).

Pilot licenses, including many international pilots, may be searched by the licensee's name or address, nationwide. The record will provide the pilot's name, address, rating airman class, medical class, medical date and the FAA region.