Raven International Investigations
Florida License #A9200388

Extraordinary Needs

Raven's International Networking Team consists of Intelligence and Law Enforcement Experts coming together anytime, anywhere.

Our staff of professionals have years of experience in:

  • Hostage Negotiations/Counter Terrorism
  • Explosives
  • Electronic Counter Surveillance
  • Investigations of all types

Our team members are Masters in Defense Methods of Entry...we will test any security system, no matter how "fool-proof."

Our International Networking Team can handle anything from kidnapping to wrongful incarceration in a third world country.

Raven International Investigations Inc. works in association with:

  • ABI (Association of British Investigators)
  • CII (Council of British Investigators)
  • FEDERPOL in Italy
  • WAD of Europe
  • IKD (International Commission fur Detektiv-Verbande)